
It’s like your heart slows down
And if you close your eyes you can feel the spaces between beats.
Your mind is clogged like a toilet that won’t flush and your eyes are like a tap that won’t open.
Your throat feels like its tightening against its walls and your palms are all sweaty.
Your nose is cold and runny but your body is steady.

It’s going to be okay

It’s going to be okay
It’s going to be okay
That’s all I’ve been told
Days passed
Weeks and months
Years passed by
And it indeed was not okay
There’s were glimpses of okayness between the chaos of but the storm that raging storm that came with the choas.
It never left
It never ceased
It roared louder and louder
Growing with every “it’s going to be okay”

You keep saving the world, but who saves you?

I close my eyes and I’m drifted away im here but im not. I always felt as if I didn’t belong… no matter how many times I moved, which is far too many times than I can remember.

Growing up I never had a constant.
So I made someone my constant and when he left I struggled to find the balance in the chaos. A chaos that followed me everywhere and that consumed me if I just slipped a bit.
Therefore I had to stay awake.

Never to close my eyes too long.
Never to wander too deep.
But to stay present.
To feel but let go.
To think but not believe.

To become my own constant.


Hey you, YES YOU


God is sifting you, like flour before its made into a cake. Removing all the pieces that don’t belong.

That toxic ex and friends, their time in your life has ran out, it’s done, depleted, over, canceled but if you keep opening doors God closed you’ll stay in this toxic cycle. You’ll never grow individually into the person you meant to be.

So stop feeling sorry for yourself because guess what YOU allowed this to happen. You put yourself in that position and you granted them access to your energy again and again. YOU nobody else.

So find comfort in the sifting and let it go.

The 7 deadly sins

Can you name a few?

  1. lust
  2. gluttony
  3. greed
  4. sloth
  5. wrath
  6. envy
  7. pride

Pride is sometimes referred to as vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. Gluttony covers self-indulgent excess more generally, including drunkenness.

Lust is a psychological force producing intense desire for an object, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion while already having a significant other or amount of the desired object. Lust can take any form such as the lust for sexuality , love, money or power.

Gluttony is the overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste. The word derives from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy.

Greed is a intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.

Sloth is being reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.

Wrath is a strong vengeful anger or indignation.

Envy is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.

In the Bible pride does not mean simple arrogance or ostentation. Instead it means hubris: preferring self-will to God’s will. Its polar opposite is called in the Bible following God. Biblical pride is overcome when we can say with Jesus, “Thy will be done.”

Can you think about examples of each in today’s life?

Which of these sins do you feel you can relate to, for example I feel mine is gluttony because I don’t eat I vriet till I can’t anymore and as we’ve established It is a sin.

We are human and May fall victim to one or more of these 7 deadly sins but what must try to do is replace our bad habits with the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. Do you know what this is?

1 love
2 joy
3 peace
4 patience
5 kindness
6 goodness
7 faithfulness
8 gentleness
9 self control

So I have homework for you guys
Admit your sin and cancel it out with a fruit of the spirit. Try to practice this every time you fine yourself doing that bad Habit this week.

For example mine is gluttony
So this week I will try to practice self control instead.

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not fall victim to these sins we are children of God and we are stronger than that!

God Please help us fight these 7 deadly sins and practice the fruit of the spirit instead in Jesus Holy name amen.

Masturbation according to the Bible

Romans 6vs12

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey it’s evil desires. Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness.

1 Peter 2vs11

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.

In conclusion in everything you do, do it to honour God our Father. Stay in control don’t give in to the world’s wicked ways and urges. You serve a God almighty who wishes nothing but the best for you. Are you going to disobey him just because you feel the need to give into worldly pleasures. Is the few seconds or minutes of pleasure really worth the disappointment by out Father. Oneday we’ll have to stand before him in question and repent. Would you really want such a mistake or decision in sin to stand between you and the gates of heaven.

The choice is yours.

Take a stand

Young people don’t be deceived by the world’s wrong doings, look towards entrusted reliable qualified teaches of the gospel. Be guided by the holy spirit, avoid ungodly practices such as gossip and many other things..
I’m sure you have done ungodly things before?
Maybe while a voice in the back of your head is telling you “no don’t do it” followed by a voice saying “ag it’s fine man just this once”, or similar voices.

Well what do you do in times like this?
Because God has clearly instructed us in Timothy to stray away from these behaviors, it will destroy our faith.

God pleas us to flee evil desires of the youth.
Do any of you have examples of what these desires might be?

– Lovers of themselves
– Lovers of money
– Boastful
– Proud
– Abusive
– Disobedient
– Ungrateful
– Unholy
– Without love
– Unforgiving
– Slanderous
– Without self control
– Brutal
– Evil
– Treacherous
– Rash
– Conceited
– Etc

But fear not Gods children because God’s set a solid foundation for us and we will not crack. We will stand together agaisnt these evil desires and when you feel too weak call on a fellow Christian to help you stay on path and quite the wicked urges.

For we are the youth of the nation and we need to set an example to those who don’t know what we do and what we’ve learnt and will continue to learn through Christ.

Revenge isn’t the answer

Many crave revenge and wish bad or worse upon those who’ve hurt them or plot against them in the shadows. Well I beg to differ instead, please pray for them. Pray that their eyes be opened so they may see what they are doing or have done is wrong. Pray that God brings them to their knees before Him so they may repent and all curses may be cut off their lives. Pray that they heal from whatever drove them down this path, so that they may finally fulfill their God given purpose on this earth.

The soul

You are not a body with a soul as much as you are a soul with a body. From dust you came to dust you shall return but what lives forever is your soul, so make sure you work on your soul as much as your body and every other aspect of your life. You can have a healthy spirit and body with a unhealthy soul.

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